The music is provided at the highest quality and the most affordable price. Indie bands, film composers, musicians and other music publishers all contribute the best quality music to the SmartSound music library. SmartSound music is source from the top music talent around the world. It has been integrated in or bundled with many leading products: Apple, Adobe Premiere, Corel Video Studio (formerly Ulead VideoStudio), Pinnacle Studio, Avid Media Composer, Avid Liquid, Roxio VideoWave, Easy Media Creator, Toast, Cyberlink PowerDirector, IBM and more.
The patented technology in Sonicfire Pro has been leading the industry for years. Get composer quality soundtracks.no music experience required. All music can be sampled and downloaded from the SmartSound web site 24 hours/day.

SmartSound offers the largest selection of stock music in their royalty-free music library.
Catch 22.Get a free permanent license for Sonicfire Pro 5 Express Track with 5 fully-customizable royalty-free music tracks that are yours to keep and use in any video productions. If I did uninstall, IK think I'd go back to an earlier version if I could - though that will probably mean I wouldn't then be able to use the Mood music. I may have a bad installation, but I didn't have time to uninstall and re-install it again. While on SFPro V5, I have found that if I go to the Help files, they don't work properly - the Index tab shows nothing, and if I type something into 'Search' - and search - nothing happens. I'm not sure if that then means you have to pay for its usage, as I haven't tried it. Second thing: Kevin says that his music - or most of it - can be tailored to a specific length by using the online version of SF on the SonicFire website. In the previous versions, you could select the 'cut point' in the middle, and the 'degree of blending' - the length of the fade to/from, but that no longer seems possible. You have to experiment with the two methods to get what you want. It is confusing and frustrating: one of them SF treats as if it were a smartsound, and trims it to the required length by slicing something out odf the middle and blending the join, the other method does different things. When imported the file appears as one block in the blocking area, and as a file name: the way SFPro treats the imported file depends on how one drags it to the timeline - from the file name or as a block. That is no longer possible in V5 (why the heck did I upgrade!), and the use of imported audio files is far from intuitive. However, the usage in previous versions of SFPro is no longer in the current version it seems: one used to be able to create the same sort of 'blocks' in an imported audio file, resembling the blocks that SmartSound uses to construct music files to length.

First SonicFire Pro is able to import audio files which can then be used when scoring along with SmartSound music.
I hope this somewhat answers your question, and if a plug-in is announced I will be sure to update this forum accordingly. While far from an integration, it does help when you need to make changes. You can then make your new edits and export a new audio file, which will in turn have the new project data embedded into it. This means that if you need to make any changes to the audio file, you can actually open the audio file itself as a project in Sonicfire Pro and it will recreate all of the settings that were used to create that file. With Smart Recall enabled (as it is by default), any audio file that you create with Sonicfire Pro 5 will have the project data embedded into it. However, Sonicfire Pro 5, although a standalone application, has a handy feature called "Smart Recall" that helps close the gap a little. Unfortunately I do not have any information on whether or not an integrated plug-in will be developed for Media Composer. Integrating the SmartSound sound engine as a plug-in usually requires development from both ourselves and from the developers of the host application, to allow them to maintain a look and workflow that is consistent with the other aspects of the interface. Great first question! Although I'm not sure I have a great first answer.