You should know this is one of the hardest items to obtain on OSRS since it has high requirements. Once you complete the Achievement Diary OSRS, you can buy an Achievement Diaries cape for 99,000 coins from Twiggy O’Korn in Draynor. The Achievement Diaries OSRS is a feature available to members only, meaning you can’t access it if you only use the free-for-play worlds and content. So if you are trying to complete all tasks of a particular difficulty of diary, it’s best that you have all your skills at the level required for the diary difficulty.Īnother thing to be noted is that if you complete all tasks of one difficulty before completing those of the previous one, the taskmaster won’t give you your reward until you complete the easier tasks too. To complete the harder tasks you also need deeper knowledge of particular areas in the game, for example the Tzhaar Fight Cave.Įasy tasks require skills up to level 40, Medium up to level 65, Hard up to level 75, and Elite…well, Elite wants your skills to be in the 90s. The easiest ones don’t have any significant requirements for skill level in general, but the higher the level, the higher the requirement for quests completion and skill level. The assignments in every area are divided by four categories based on difficulty: we have Easy, Medium, Hard and Elite. The Achievement Diary OSRS covers twelve areas so far. Those tasks are intended to test your skills and knowledge about the area. It’s divided into specific tasks which are tied to a particular area. OSRS Achievement Diaries, which some refer to simply as Diaries, is a set of challenges that you can complete to get certain rewards and benefits.